40 Stories

December 31, 2010 in category Projects and tags unreal, csgs

By Robert Utter

In this top-down puzzle game, you take on the role of Anita, an office worker who'd like nothing more than to leave work... if only she could reach the building's ground floor.

After a mishap, the office's copy machines gain the ability to clone Anita. As you control the original Anita, you also control her clones; by moving each of them simultaneously, you can gain access to new areas and progress through the building, floor by floor.

I was the lead programmer for 40 Stories. Unique technical challenges included:

  • Creating a one-to-many PlayerController in UnrealScript.
  • Creating new collision handlers and puzzle asset scripts.
  • Assisting level design and tech art with scripting support.
  • Handling race conditions in Unreal's trigger and Kismet systems.

Technology used during this project included UDK, UnrealScript, Kismet, UnCodeX, Redmine, and Subversion.

Though the game's scope was large for a two-semester, part-time team, this is the first large-scale game project CSGS was able to build into a feature-complete beta version.

See more about 40 Stories on the CSGS website.

